K. Male'
27 May 2018 | Sun 08:12
Aerial shot of N Holhudhoo
Aerial shot of N Holhudhoo
Road Accidents
Fatal accident kills two in Holhudhoo
Police have launched an investigation into the matter.
Deceased are Husna Mohamed and Ahmed Adeel, both ages 26
Police are yet to find an exact reason behind the accident

Two individuals have died in an accident in Holhudhoo island of Noonu atoll.

The accident was reported to the police at around 1:30am on Saturday.

Police's media officer said that the bodies of the two individuals were found in the island's lagoon, as well as the motorcycle they had been traveling in. Police added that both were of 26 years of age. 

While the cause of the accident is yet to be determined, police are investigating the matter.

A citizen from Holhudhoo told RaajjeMV that the two were Husna Ahmed and Ahmed Adeel, both native to the island as well.

The motorcylce the two were traveling in was found in the lagoon
Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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