K. Male'
25 May 2018 | Fri 00:10
Former first daughter Yumna Maumoon
Former first daughter Yumna Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Yumna Maumoon
Yumna Maumoon's passport has been confiscated
The duration for which her passport has been seized was not disclosed, nor is a reason as to why her passport was confiscated
The police informed Yumna that her passport has been confiscated on Thursday
She is accused of being actively involved in bribering parliament members and Supreme Court justices in an attempt to overthrow the government

Former President and leader of the split Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM)'s Gayoom faction, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's daughter Yumna Maumoon's passport has been confiscated.

According to information attained by RaajjeMV, Yumna's passport was confiscated under a court order.

According to sources, Yumna who served as former Deputy Minister at the Ministry Of Education and is the Head of the Department of Heritage, was informed that her passport has been seized by the Maldives Police Service (MPS) on Thursday.

However, the duration for which her passport has been seized was not disclosed, nor is a reason as to why her passport was confiscated.

RaajjeMV was unable to attain a comment from Yumna at the time of publishing.

While the former first daughter's passport has been confiscated, she is accused of being actively involved in bribering parliament members and Supreme Court justices in an attempt to overthrow the government.

While the police are currently investigating the accusations raised against her, she has been summoned to the police headquarters numerous times for questioning.

Her husband Mohamed Nadheem, father Maumoon, brother and Member of Parliament for Dhiggaru constituency Ahmed Faris Maumoon are all currently in detention and are to remain behind bars until the end of the trials of bribery, terrorism and obstruction pending agaisnt them.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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