K. Male'
24 May 2018 | Thu 23:57
Ahmed Adeeb being taken for a court hearing
Ahmed Adeeb being taken for a court hearing
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Human Rights Commission
Adeeb's lawyer files negligence case at HRCM
Adeeb has not been granted lawyer visits for a fortnight
The case was lodged at HRCM by one of the former VP's legal representatives, Ibrahim Shiyam

A negligence case has been lodged at the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) over the discriminations faced by detained former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb is in incarceration.

The case was lodged at HRCM by one of the former VP's legal representatives, Ibrahim Shiyam.

In the letter to lodge the negligence case addressed to the HRCM, Shiyam wrote that Adeeb has not been granted the basic right of lawyer visits adding that this is a mistreatment compared to other detainees.

The letter also reads that Adeeb's sudden transfer to Dhoonidhoo island prison is an act of torture under the Anti-torture act of the Maldives.

Additionally, while it is stated in the prisons and parole act that convicted prisoners are to be kept in general confinement, Adeeb is being kept in a custodial, solitary confinement, unlawfully.

Shiyam had, in the letter requested authorities to investigate the matter and bring those behind Adeeb's persecution to justice.

While the negligence case has been lodged, the former VP's family had on previous occassions expressed their concern that Adeeb is being held in solitary confinement and has not being granted lawyer visits for a fortnight.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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