K. Male'
24 May 2018 | Thu 09:38
Mosque prayers
Mosque prayers
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Islamic Ministry
Islamic Ministry seeking workers to maintain mosques and graveyards in Maradhoo
Interested individuals may submit their names to the Islamic Ministry's unit in Addu City on the 27th and 28th of May
Hired workers will be given detailed information of their responsibilites on the 29th of May at 01:00 p.m

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has published a job annoucement for cleaning and the maintenance of mosques and graveyards in Addu City's Maradhoo island.

An announcement published by the Ministry on Wednesday states that they are looking for interested parties for the overall maintenance work of a few mosques and graveyards in Maradhoo.

Interested individuals may submit their names to the Islamic Ministry's unit in Addu City on the 27th and 28th of May. Hired workers will be given detailed information of their responsibilites on the 29th of May at 01:00 p.m and employment estimation will be carried out on the 31st of May at 01:00 p.m.

Additionally, the Ministry also highlighted that those who do not submit their names will not be given the opportunity to partake in the job details session, 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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