K. Male'
24 May 2018 | Thu 09:39
Local Market freshly stocked for Ramadan
Local Market freshly stocked for Ramadan
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Local Market Prices
Coconut price hikes in local market, crucifer leaves scarce
Crucifer leaf stocks mainly arrive from Kaafu atoll Kaashidhoo island and Ali Alif Thoddoo
Merchants had increased prices to MVR 20 per three crucifer leaves last week due to scarcity

The price for coconuts in the local market has hiked while there is a deficiency in crucifer leaves.

At the beginning of the fasting month of Ramadan, coconuts were priced at MVR 15, however, the price has hiked to MVR 50 within a week.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, one of the merchants at the fruit stalls in the local market said that coconut prices have significantly increased since the beginning the Ramadan and the reason for the hike is supposedly the prevailing bad weather over regions of the country which has caused stock arrivals to slow down or halt overall.

While the availability of crucifer leaves in the market had stooped since the 19th of May, merchants had increased prices to MVR 20 per three leaves, adding that the demand on them are very high and that they sell out at a swift speed.

"Not just crucifer, all types of leaves in general are scarce these days. Hence they have been priced pretty high given the fact that the demand for them is high and fresh stocks are hard to attain. Crucifer leaf stocks mainly arrive from Kaafu atoll Kaashidhoo island and Ali Alif Thoddoo" said one of the merchants.

The merchant also added that Thoddoo is mainly focusing on stocking watermelons in abundance. Thoddoo is known to be the largest producer of watermelons in the Maldives.

Looking at the prices of other fruits in the local market, apples cost for MVR 04 while ten grams of kiwi is priced at MVR 10, a kilo of mangoes is priced at MVR 65, a jackfruit is priced at MVR 60, 100 grams of grapes cost MVR 10 while a kilo of lemons cost MVR 40, a kilo of eggplant costs MVR 35 and a kilo of tomatoes costs MVR 60.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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