K. Male'
24 May 2018 | Thu 09:42
Signing agreement to establish diplomatic ties between Maldives and Congo
Signing agreement to establish diplomatic ties between Maldives and Congo
Foreign Ministry
UN Security Council
Government is using peculiar funds in campaign for UNSC seat : Naseem
If the money is from foreign governments, it effectively rules out any possibilities of a free and independent vote - Naseem
Maldives in recent April established diplomatic ties with Zambia, Ivory Coast, Equitorial Guinea as well as Congo, as the ballots approach
Maldives and Indonesia will be competing for the Asia Pacific Seat in this year's election

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives, Ahmed Naseem has posed questions for the government seeking to clarify the source of the USD 500,000 being used by the government for the vote campaign of the United Nations Security Council seat.

Naseem, one of the most experienced diplomats the country has seen, took to twitter late Wednesday evening, highlighting that if the money is from foreign governments, it effectively rules out any possibilities of a free and independent vote.

The former Foreign Minister who is now one of the leading opposition figures called the matter shameful, going on to express his concern over the matter.

While Naseem has accused the government of using unascertained funds in it's campaign for the UNSC seat. authorities are seen giving luxurious trips after inviting ambassadors designated from Africa, Eastern Europe and other such developing countries to the United Nations in the name of conducting workshops.

Maldives in recent April established diplomatic ties with Zambia, Ivory Coast, Equitorial Guinea as well as Congo, as the ballots approach.

The elections, which are for five non-permanent seats of the UNSC for two-year mandates commencing on the 01st of January 2019, will be held in mid-2018 during the 72nd session of the United Nations General Assembly slated for September at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, America.

Maldives and Indonesia will be competing for the Asia Pacific Seat in this year's election.

Although the most populous democracy in the world, neighboring India would supposedly have shown solidarity with the Maldives in it's campaign, now India is seen leaning more towards Indonesia due to it's severed ties with the Maldives.

While Maldives is to seek a UN Security Council seat, it is noteworthy that the international community expresses it's concern over the gross violations of human rights in the small island nation, over the absurd and biased incarceration of political opponents as well as the obstruction of freedom of press.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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