K. Male'
22 May 2018 | Tue 08:04
Campaign activities in HDh Kulhudhuffushi island
Campaign activities in HDh Kulhudhuffushi island
Jazeera Raees campaign
'Jazeera Raees' campaign activities kick off in Kulhudhuffushi
Nasheed remains the only candidate to have submitted his bid for the MDP ticket
Activities will be partaken by members representing MDP in the atoll council as well as members of the island council.
Door-to-door campaign activities as well as putting up more posters in the island will proceed in the coming days.

Activities under former president Mohamed Nasheed's "Jazeera Raees" primary campaign have begun in Haa Dhaal atoll Kulhudhuffushi island.

The activities were kicked off when Nasheed's campaign poster was put up near the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s national campaign site in the island.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, the administrator of the campaign site Ali Mohamed said that these activities will be partaken by members representing MDP in the atoll council as well as members of the island council.

Ali Mohamed added that door-to-door campaign activities as well as putting up more posters in the island will proceed in the coming days.

Nasheed had begun his campaign under "Jazeera Raees" as part of the opposition's efforts to garner support for his win in the party primaries slated for 30th of May. Although the self-exiled leader is currently in Sri Lanka unable to return home since it would mean going back into prison, his campaign team managed by North-Hithadhoo constituency MP Mohamed Aslam, is proceeding full steam ahead with the team having visited over 30 islands thus far.

Nasheed remains the only candidate to have submitted his bid for the MDP ticket to run for the upcoming Presidential Elections slated for September.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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