K. Male'
22 May 2018 | Tue 08:03
Former Commissioner of Police Abdulla Riyaz
Former Commissioner of Police Abdulla Riyaz
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Abdulla Riyaz's Trial
MP Riyaz's trial: 33 pieces of evidence submitted against him
Riyaz is currently doing time of four months and 24 days in prison over obstruction charges
Secret testimonies, witnesses and several officer of the police force are included in the 33 evidences gathered by the state against Riyaz
The most significant of the evidence remains to be a black bag found in an operation conducted by the police

33 testaments and evidence in the terrorism allegations against MP for Kinbidhoo constituency, Deputy Leader of the opposition Jumhooree Party and former Commissioner of Police, Abdulla Riyaz was presented in the proceedings for the case held on Monday. 

When the charges raised against him had been heard in the trial by the state attorney, Riayz denied all allegations against him and said them to be ambiguous and baseless. Riyaz further claimed the charges are politically motivated and an attempt to isolate him from his political activities.

Secret testimonies, witnesses, and several officers of the police force are included in the host of witnesses gathered by the state against the former police commissioner.

The most significant of the evidence remains to be a black bag found in an operation conducted by the police upon reports of a conspiracy to overthrow the government, involving parliamentarians.

Presiding judge in the case, Ahmed Hailam had given Riyaz the opportunity to submit his defense witnesses and documents by 12:00 p.m on the 24th of May.

If found guilty Riyaz will face a prison sentence of upto 17 to 20 years and stands to lose his seat in parliament.

The former Police Commissioner is currently serving a jail term of four months and 24 days in prison for obstruction of a state official which was consecutively overruled by the High Court after an appeal from the state, upon Criminal Court's initial verdict proving him not guilty. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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