K. Male'
21 May 2018 | Mon 01:45
Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital
Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Flu outbreak
IGMH requests people to minimize hospital visits following upsurge of flu stricken patients
Dengue cases have also risen in the recent days from outlying atolls.
115 patients had consulted for fever on the 15th of May alone and 98 patients had consulted the following day.
The hospital appealed to minimize hospital visits for other purposes besides the consultation of children and the elderly

Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) has on Sunday requests citizens to only visit hospital only if necessary, due to the large number of those diagnosed with viral flu.

An announcement released by IGMH, states that there are many flu-stricken patients being treated at the hospital and therefore asked that people think twice before visiting the hospital unless it concerns children and the elderly.

Private-run ADK Hospital has opened a Flu Clinic following the recent upsurge in flu-stricken patients.

According to ADK statistics, 115 patients had come in due to fever on the 15th of May alone and 98 patients had visited the following day.

Previous years saw a rise in flu-stricken patients in the same time period as well.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has also appealed on the public to be cautious of dengue fever. According to a press release published by the agency, dengue cases have risen in the outlying atolls.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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