K. Male'
19 May 2018 | Sat 21:50
To Gaza, with love
To Gaza, with love
Gaza-Israel Border
Maldives hosts fundraiser to help those bereaved in Gaza
Transfer through aid association's Bank of Maldives account 7770000014818
For U.S Dollar transactions, use 7770000014817

Maldives has initiated a relief fund following the bloodshed caused by Israeli militants against Palestinians along the Gaza border.

The fund, organized by the International Aid Campaign titled 'To Gaza with love', aims to provide help "to the needy of Gaza", following the violence by the Israeli forces against Gaza residents killing dozens and wounding thousands. 

The International Aid Campaign said that those interested to help can do so by donating USD 20 (or the amount in Rufiyaa), adding that the donations collected 'will provide food for about a 1,000 bereaved families' in Gaza. It is to be handed over to Al Falah Benevolent Society, active in Palestine's Gaza, who are to use the money to buy food and other necessities for those in need.

To transfer through Bank of Maldives, contributors can use the aid association's account 7770000014818 or 7770000014817 to make dollar transactions.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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