K. Male'
17 May 2018 | Thu 17:18
Detained long-serving statesman Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Detained long-serving statesman Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
It is inhumane to keep Gayoom in a prison cell during this sacred month: Joint Opposition
While Gayoom's health has been reportedly ailing for the past two weeks, negligence has been observed in providing him with adequate medical care
It is not deemed humane that he is being kept in a prison cell while his family, supporters and lawyers continue their appeal for a pardon

The Joint Opposition Parties have called on authorities to release detained former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom to house arrest following the beginning of the fasting month of Ramadan.

Following the 100th day mark since Gayoom, who ruled the country for 30 years, was arrested, the Joint Opposition released a statement which reads that it is a great atrocity to keep Gayoom behind bars during this sacred month even as his family and legal representatives continue to appeal for his house transfer given his ailing health.

The statement further reads that while Gayoom's health has been reportedly ailing for the past two weeks, negligence has been observed in providing him with adequate medical care while doctors had adviced that he must never be left alone and seeks daily treatment.

It is not deemed humane that he is being kept in a prison cell while his family, supporters and lawyers continue their appeal for a pardon, or atleast a house transfer following doctors instructions that he can only be provided adequate care in the presence of his family, The statemend reads that the authorities continue to turn a deaf ear to the distressed family's appeals.

"Gayoom remains resilient in his reform efforts, although he is being held in incarceration unlawfully. He gives his assurance to the citizens that he will remain resilient in his reform efforts to make sure the citizens are granted their rights under the constitution." reads the statement.

The Joint Opposition Parties also claim that Gayoom is being held in incarceration against the legal ambit and that terror charges were raised against him under antagonism.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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