K. Male'
14 May 2018 | Mon 20:42
Attorney Hisaan Hussain
Attorney Hisaan Hussain
Hisaan Hussain
Court takes statement from attorney Hisaan over RaajjeTV interview
The statement was taken regarding the attorney’s comments during an interview she gave outside the courthouse
Former President Mohamed Nasheed and former Attorney General Husnu Suood has criticised the move

The Criminal Court took a statement from attorney Hisaan Hussain on Monday over an interview she gave to RaajjeTV.

The statement was taken regarding the attorney’s comments during an interview she gave outside the courthouse on Thursday, after the Criminal Court sentenced Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed.

After the justices were found guilty at Thursday’s hearing and given a prison sentence of one year, seven months and six days, Hisaan left the hearing and gave an exclusive interview to RaajjeTV.

The Criminal Court’s summons of attorney Hisaan Hussain is a blatant act of intimidation, said former President Mohamed Nasheed.

In a tweet on Sunday, Nasheed also said that the court summons is ‘another assault on the rule of law.’

In another tweet, former Attorney General Husnu Al Suood urged the the Criminal Court to not be sensitive to what lawyers say and be more sensitive to the impact of what the court does.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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