K. Male'
14 May 2018 | Mon 19:53
Aerial view of GA Kolamaafushi island
Aerial view of GA Kolamaafushi island
Kolamaafushi Island
Over MVR 100k stolen from Kolamaafushi Council office
The burglary case had been lodged with them at around 08:05 on Monday morning
Council member Ibrahim Waheed said that the broken safe had been found in the morning, robbers had broken in through a window
Police are investigating the matter

Burglars had broken into Gaaf Alif Kolamaafushi Council and stolen over MVR100,000 from its safety deposit box.

Maldives Police Service (MPS) had said that the burglary case had been lodged with them at around 08:05 on Monday morning.

A council member at Kolamaafushi, Ibrahim Waheed said that the safe was found broken in the morning and that the robbers had broken in through a window of the building.

Waheed said that an estimated amount of MVR 150,000 had been in the safe. The money was for distributing Ramadan allowances to employees of the council and included money for bill payments as well.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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