K. Male'
14 May 2018 | Mon 09:18
Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud with Maldives President Yameen Abdul Gayoom
Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud with Maldives President Yameen Abdul Gayoom
Maldives -Saudi Arabia
Yet to receive annual Saudi 'date' donation, says ministry
Saudi kingdom donates 50 tonnes of dates to the Maldives ahead of Ramadan annually
An official at Islamic Ministry said that the reason behind the delay has not yet been disclosed

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has on Sunday said that the government is yet to receive the annual date donation by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

While the fasting month of Ramadan is upon us, an official of the Ministry told RaajjeMV that the government has not received the Saudi donation this year.

Saudi kingdom donates 50 tonnes of dates to the Maldives ahead of Ramadan every year, to be distributed among the citizens. The official added that they receive the donation before Ramadan starts, and that distribution is completed within the first 15 days of the month.

Noting that he was not aware of the reason for the delay, the official said that it is not clear whether Saudi Arabia will be making the donation this year.

While the Saudi kingdom donates 50 tonnes of dates to Maldives annually, there have been reports of First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim's Sadaqat Foundation claiming some and distributing it to the people under its name.

Dates distributed under Sadaqat Foundation's name

The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) had looked into the case and concluded that there was 'no corruption' in the distribution of dates donated by Saudi Arabian government during Ramadan, through Sadaqat Foundation 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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