K. Male'
12 May 2018 | Sat 11:36
Male\' City Mayor Shifa Mohamed speaking at the Maldivian Democratic Party\'s \'Jazeera\' event on Friday
Male' City Mayor Shifa Mohamed speaking at the Maldivian Democratic Party's 'Jazeera' event on Friday
2018 Presidential Elections
Hopes up-risen for likelihood of Nasheed running for presidency: Malé Mayor Shifa
'With the newly up-risen hope that Nasheed will be able to run for office, the party's spirits have also risen', Shifa said
MDP launched Nasheed's campaign under "Jazeera Raees" for the upcoming party primary

Malé City Council Mayor and former Minister of Education, Shifa Mohamed said that hopes have up-risen for the probability of Nasheed running for the upcoming presidential elections.

In a gathering held in Addu City on Friday night to launch Nasheed's campaign for his Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) presidential primary slated for the 30th of May, Shifa said that with the newly up-risen hope that Nasheed will be able to run for office, the party's spirits have also risen.

"We are not disheartened. We all know that everyone who is known to be actively involved in reform efforts for the betterment of the nation are seen behind bars. When was President Nasheed ever able to run for Presidency with freedom? They are piling accussations on him and labelling him as a criminal to dishonor him infront of citizens because those who run for presidency fear his candidacy. The ruling issued on the 01st of February is the one passed by the full bench declaring the detainees are not criminals and must not be sentenced" said Shifa.

In the gathering held to launch Nasheed's campaign named "Jazeera Raees", Shifa said that the current rule is not that of a free and democratic one, adding that Nasheed had chosen the etiquette of communication during these hardships and has already initiated talks with political parties.

Shifa had praised and applauded Nasheed for his bravery in her speech.

"Only the ambitious can keep the country upright, Cruel, cunning and malevolent leaders cannot build a nation. Maldives current regime is full of such nonsensical and spiteful acts" said Shifa.

Shifa also said that after comprising an agreeable Election Commission, a free and fair election shall be held if citizens vote for Nasheed in the primary election.

The mayor highlighted that as Nasheed had and will be the leader who encourages and teaches to build a life with legitimate earnings.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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