K. Male'
10 May 2018 | Thu 13:35
Justice Ali Hameed was rushed to hospital on Wednesday night
Justice Ali Hameed was rushed to hospital on Wednesday night
Justice Ali Hameed
Justice Hameed discharged from hospital
Justice Hameed was rushed to hospital on Wednesday night, while court proceedings were ongoing
He, along with Chief Justice Saeed, are accused 'influencing the conduct of public officials'
While multiple charges have been levied against they two, they deny the charges

Justice Ali Hameed has been discharged from hospital following treatment, after being rushed there on Wednesday night.

RaajjeMV understands that the Supreme Court justice was discharged from Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) on Thursday morning, but was unable to confirm that matter from the Maldives Correctional Service (MCS).

Justice Hameed was rushed to hospital while court proceedings for criminal charges against him and Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed were ongoing at the Criminal Court. His lawyers had confirmed the matter to RaajjeMV, noting that he was taken to hospital due to ‘breathing difficulties’.

While both are accused of ‘coercing other adjudicators to pass sentences in favour of their interests’, the verdict hearing was scheduled for Wednesday evening. However, after being postponed thrice, Wednesday’s hearing was ultimately cancelled at around 9:30pm and rescheduled for 3pm on Thursday.

While this is just one of the charges against the two justices, following a ruling issued on 1st February, both have denied the charges against him.

While all prior hearings in the case had been held behind closed doors, the court has said that the verdict hearing will be open to the public.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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