K. Male'
09 May 2018 | Wed 17:55
Dust storm in India
Dust storm in India
Dust Storm in India
President sends message of condolence following dust storms in India
More than 116 deaths and over 250 wounded were reported following the storms that tore throughout India
The storms destroyed many homes, crop and livestock, and uprooted trees and electricity poles

President Abdulla Yameen has sent a message of condolence to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the dust storms tearing through India.

The President’s message reads that it was with great shock and sadness that he learnt of the loss of innocent lives and injury to many in various parts of India.

"During this time of national distress, on behalf of the Government and the people of Maldives, and on my own behalf, I would like to extend our deepest sympathies to Your Excellency, the Government and the people of India. I pray for every success in the rescue and recovery operations, and all those affected given strength during this tragedy. The Government and the people of Maldives stand in solidarity with you and the people of India, in coming to terms with this tragedy."

"Please also convey our sincere condolences to the members of the bereaved families.” reads the President's message.

More than 116 deaths and over 250 wounded were reported following the storm tearing through India in the past few days. The storm, which began on May 3, destroyed homes, crop and livestock, uprooting trees and electricity poles in its wake.

According to American daily newspaper The Washington Post, India's meteorological department warned locals to stay indoors and be wary of falling branches and debris.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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