K. Male'
09 May 2018 | Wed 15:33
Deputy Leader of the Maumoon faction of PPM, Aminath Nadhira
Deputy Leader of the Maumoon faction of PPM, Aminath Nadhira
Joint opposition parties
Tyrannical rule will not bolster in Maldives: Nadhira
What enmity does Azima have towards Gayoom while he does not have any enmity towards her? - Nadhira
The fact Supreme Court Justices have been cast behind bars is proof that independence of the judiciary has been buried.

Deputy Leader of the faction led by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom in the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) Aminath Nadhira has said that it will be indicated how a tyrannical rule will not bolster in the Maldives.

Speaking in a press conference held by the joint opposition parties at Jumhooree Party's national campaign site Kunooz in Maafannu ward of capital city Male' on Tuesday, Nadhira said that the fact Supreme Court (SC) Justices have been cast behind bars is proof that independence of the judiciary has been buried.

Nadhira added that all the justices remain in fear while the government keeps showing that it will do whatever is in it's will. The only motivation they get is by seeing the resilience of Chief Justice Saeed and Justice Hameed.

Citing the interview President's Office Legal Affairs Minister Azima Shakoor gave to state media PSM, Nadhira said that if Azima claims that SC rulings cannot be amended, then the initial ruling issued on the 01st of February releasing nine high profile political detainees and reinstating unseated parliamentarians would have remained the same, adding that changes to the initial ruling issued by the full bench of the SC should not have been allowed by the three remaining Justices.

Nadhira said that those who have not implemented the ruling issued on the 01st of February will be punished and eventually, laws will catch up with them.

She also questions what enmity Azima has towards former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom while he does not have any enmity towards her.

"If the only way to gain a position is by talking ill about Gayoom, then he sincerely requests to keep doing it" said Nadhira.

The Deputy Leader also said that although Azima does not seem to know it, medical documents describing Gayoom's ailment has been handed over to the authorities, adding that today Gayoom has fallen victim to the state's terrorization because he took a stand against the tyranny of the government, however he will not back down even the slightest.

"We will show that tyranny will not last. We will move forward. Yameen is already on his knees" said Nadhira.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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