K. Male'
07 May 2018 | Mon 23:00
Locals gathered at Dharubaaruge on first day of form issuance
Locals gathered at Dharubaaruge on first day of form issuance
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Shelter Program
Public concerns raised over missing category in flat application forms
While form distributions started on Sunday, it will proceed till the 31st of July and will be made available for download through Housing Ministry's official website.
Long-term residents of Male' city do not fit under any category under which forms are being issued by the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructur

Public concerns have been raised over the issue of the category under which long-term residents of capital city Male' come under not being listed under the 7000 flats to be issued under government's shelter program.

Long-term residents of Male' city do not fit under any category under which forms are being issued by the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.

Many locals who had shared the information with RaajjeMV had shared their concern over the matter.

According to them, citizens should not be singled out as shelter is a basic right guaranteed to every citizen.

The ministry responded to these concerns saying that there will not be any citizen or family who do not, in one way or the other fit under the 17 categories, adding that although they do not receive a flat this time, the current administration will provide flats for them.

In a press conference held on Sunday by the ministry to brief the public about the flat issuance procedures, Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizzu had said that the government will issue flats with full transparency.

Speaking at the ceremony to commemorate the initiation of flat form issuance in Dharubaaruge, Muizzu said that the 17 categories under flat issuance comes with two-room apartments.

The categories include: 1,044 flats to those registered in Male' city's registry, 1,000 flats for civil servants, 1,000 flats for Male' community residents, 1,000 flats for married couples aged between 18-40, 650 flats for teachers, 600 flats for police and military officers, 475 flats for doctors and nurses, 400 flats for single mothers and fathers, 300 flats for those who were not granted flat after having registered and made payments for Gulhifalhu and were not able to make payments for Tata flats, 256 flats for the poverty-stricken in west-maafannu ward of capital city Male' and 200 flats for disabled families.

Individuals can submit forms under one out of the mentioned categories.

While form distributions started on Sunday, it will proceed till the 31st of July and will be made available for download through Housing Ministry's official website. 

Sunday afternoon saw a jam-packed Dharubaaruge while Housing Ministry on Saturday stated that this year form distribution and collection will be made efficiently accessible with all the relevant and inclusive information available. Some locals had to wait for three hours in a chaotic queue and many had left empty handed on the first day itself.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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