K. Male'
07 May 2018 | Mon 22:50
Ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives premises
Ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives premises
Mohamed Sharuhaan
PPM gathering
Ruling Party's 'Heskiyaafa' gathering rescheduled
The gathering was initially scheduled for 10th May in Carnival area of capital city Male', but was later delayed to 11th May
The party did not disclose a reason behind the postponement

The gathering by ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) titled "Heskiyaafa" initially scheduled for upcoming Thursday has been rescheduled to Friday night.

It is stated in a press release issued by the party that the gathering scheduled for the 10th of May in the carnival area of capital city Male' has been pushed back to the night of 11th May.

The party did not disclose a reason behind the postponement.

PPM's Deputy Leader Abdul Raheem Abdulla had stated that they had scheduled the extensive gathering to hold one last event before the cessation of their gatherings upon the beginning of Ramadan.

Raheem highlighted that although gatherings will be temporarily halted during Ramadan, atoll trip will proceed.

The Deputy Leader also said that President Yameen Abdul Gayoom, First Lady Fathmath Ibrahim as well as leading officials of the ruling party will be joining the gathering.

Raheem further said that employees of the government offices and companies as well as political leaders will take part in the event and that the opposition will claim that the ruling party force state employees to partake in pro-government gatherings and events.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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