K. Male'
07 May 2018 | Mon 00:01
Former first lady Nasreena Ibrahim
Former first lady Nasreena Ibrahim
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Lock me in with my husband if his house transfer is not possible : Former first lady
Nasreena in a letter addressed to acting police commissioner Abdulla Nawaz asked to be imprisoned along with her husband if house transfer is an impossible task
Gayoom is diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), due to which he has been suffering since incarceration
Although the ailment is not life-threatening, there are chances of severe injuries upon the sufferer falling unconscious

Detained former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's wife Nasreena Ibrahim has appealed on authorities to lock her in with sickly husband if they cannot transfer him to house arrest.

In a letter addressed to acting Commissioner of Police Abdulla Nawaz following her husband's deteriorating health condiiton on Sunday, the former first lady had appealed to make efficient arrangements for her to provide her husband with the necessary help in his cell at Dhoonidhoo island prison if the authorities cannot transfer him to house arrest.

She added in the letter to lock her in with her husband if his house transfer is not possible.

The letter also notes that Gayoom is diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) which causes brief spells of spinning sensations, which he has been severely suffering since last Wednesday.

"I'd like to note that my husband experienced a severe spell of dizziness yesterday (Saturday) following which he found it hard to make the smallest movement" reads the letter addressed to CP Nawaz.

While Gayoom's health condition has immesely deteriorated, Nasreena highlighted that her husband needs assistance in going to the restroom, adding that this can only be done by a member of his family.

"I request for the swift transfer of my husband from Dhoonidhoo to house arrest. Word has it that the acting police commissioner has the power to execute this" reads the letter.

Gayoom was treated by an ENT Specialist at state-operated Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in previous December as well and his doctor had said that due to his severe case of vertigo, there is a chance of him falling unconscious.

Although the ailment is not life-threatening, there are chances of severe injuries upon the sufferer falling unconscious.

Gayoom's family and supporters have continually been appealing on authorities for his house transfer since his health condition began to deteriorate, to which the authorities have continually been turning a deaf ear.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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