K. Male'
06 May 2018 | Sun 23:31
Dhihdhoo residents hold protest in island\'s engine house
Dhihdhoo residents hold protest in island's engine house
Aishath Ludhna
Electricity Issues
Residents of Dhidhdhoo protest following skyrocketing of bills
The upsurge of the use of electricity could be the outcome of the hot weather Maldives is experiencing these days
In addition to Dhidhdhoo, the capital city Male' and some outlying atolls have experienced similar upsurges in electricity bills within the past two months

Residents of Haa Alif atoll Dhidhdhoo island have held a protest to express their dissatisfaction with the upsurge in the island's electricity bills.

Dhidhdhoo residents had held this objection in the island's engine house on Sunday.

Participants of the objection had expressed their concerns and dissatisfaction following the recent upsurge in the island's electricity bills.

The island council's chief Ali Hashim had said that this month's electricity bill of some residences had reached over MVR 1,500 to 2,000, adding that the engine house workers said this could be the outcome of the heat waves followed by the hot weather these days following which the usage of electricity skyrocketed.

In addition to Dhidhdhoo, capital city Male' and some outlying atolls have experienced similar upsurges in electricity bills within the past two months.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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