K. Male'
06 May 2018 | Sun 23:10
Locals crammed in Dharubaaruge to acquire flat forms
Locals crammed in Dharubaaruge to acquire flat forms
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Shelter Program
Locals in frenzy to acquire flat application form
Flat form distribution had begun on Sunday afternoon at Dharubaaruge
While some waited in line for three hours, many went home empty handed

Many locals had gathered at Dharubaaruge as the state opened opportunities for application form collection on Sunday for the new 7000 apartments under the state's shelter program.

Dharubaaruge's Rannabandeyri Maalam was crammed with locals on Sunday with haphazard queues at desks handing out application forms for 17 categories that follow under the shelter scheme.

locals gathered in Dharubaaruge to acquire flate forms

Some locals speaking to RaajjeMV said that they had been waiting to get a hold of the forms for three hours straight and that some of them had to leave empty handed because forms under most categories had run out. They said that form distribution had not been planned out and the locals gathered there had not been provided any information on relevant details either. The locals said that the distribution was very unorganized and did not follow proper procedure.

"We had to wander inside, their organization was extremely poor. We had to wait for three hours to get hold of a flat form. They had run out of forms under some categories within a short period of time" said one local.

locals gathered in Dharubaaruge to acquire flate forms

Sunday afternoon saw a jam-packed Dharubaaruge while Housing Ministry on Saturday stated that this year form distribution and collection will be made efficiently accessible with all the relevant and inclusive information available..

While form distributions started today, it will proceed till the 31st of July and forms will be available to download through the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure's official website as well.

Form submissions will begin on the 03rd of June and will be accepted until the 31st of July.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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