K. Male'
06 May 2018 | Sun 17:47
Former President Mohamed Nasheed and Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom
Former President Mohamed Nasheed and Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom
People Megazine
Ex-President Maumoon
President Nasheed requests President Yameen to ease off towards Former President Maumoon
Due to President Maumoon's serious health condition, a police personnel is stationed with him at all times
The doctor has said that his condition may get worse at any point
'Your actions towards President Maumoon are far from how past leaders would have', President Nasheed tweeted

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has tweeted saying that President Yameen Abdul Gayyoom can abate the treatment towards Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom without political loss.

In the tweet posted on Sunday, President Nasheed requested President Yameen to reconsider keeping President Maumoon in jail. He also mentioned that President Yameen's actions towards President Maumoon are far from how past leaders would have done things. 

While Former President Maumoon was arrested on 5th February after the declaration of the state of emergency, his deteriorating health condition has lead his family members, opposition coalition members as well as the general population of Maldives to raise concerns. 

At the hearings of the case against President Maumoon, he has made several requests to change him to house arrest instead, and highlighted the chance of something serious happening while he is by himself. 

His family informed media that the doctor instructed to provide a private police personnel for President Maumoon due to his health condition 'benign paroxysmal positional vertigo' (BPPV).

President Maumoon received treatment for the same condition from IGMH in December last year. His family has sent a copy of the document given by IGMH's ENT specialist to relevant authorities. 

The doctor explained that the condition affects his cognizance and therefore there is a high probability that he might faint and fall at any point. Therefore someone needs to be present with President Maumoon at all times due to the ferocity of his medical condition. 

Furthermore, the doctor mentioned that an individual needs to be present with any patient with BPPV. Since it is a disease caused to the insides of one's ears, it might often lead patients to lose balance and fall. Additionally patients of BPPV may lose consciousness depending on how they position their heads. Experienced individuals say that even though it is not a life threatening disease by itself, suddenly falling due to the aforementioned reasons could endanger one's life. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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