K. Male'
06 May 2018 | Sun 09:07
Minister Muizzu speaking at a press conference held by the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure
Minister Muizzu speaking at a press conference held by the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Shelter Program
Ministry to give all-inclusive information on flat protocol on Sunday
A press conference has been scheduled for 10am on the 06th of May to give all the relevant and inclusive information regarding the flats
Forms will be made available at Dharubaaruge in capital city Male' and also through Housing Ministry's official website

The Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure has revealed that details on form submissions will be provided in a press conference scheduled for Sunday morning.

While forms are to be handed out on Sunday morning with the opportunity to apply for 7000 additional flats under the state's shelter program, the Ministry said that an "effortless" way will be paved for this year's flat form issuance.

Citizens have had to face many difficulties having to wait in a lengthy queue to acquire a flat form in previous years.

In a tweet posted in Dhivehi by Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, he notified that a press conference has been scheduled for 10am on the 06th of May to give all the relevant and inclusive information regarding the categories that come under eligible citizens to be granted flats, timings that forms will be available as well as the plan under which forms will be handed out.

Forms will be made available at Dharubaaruge in capital city Male' and also through Housing Ministry's official website http://www.housing.gov.mv/v1/

Categories under which said 7000 flats will be given

1. 1,044 flats to those registered in Male' city's Dhafharu.

2. 1,000 flats for civil servants.

3. 1,000 flats for Male' community residents

4. 1,000 flats for married couples aged between 18 - 40.

5. 650 flats for teachers.

6. 600 flats for officers of the police force and Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF).

7. 475 flats for doctors and nurses.

8. 400 flats for single mothers and fathers.

9. 300 flats for those who were not granted flat after having registered and made payments for Gulhifalhu and were not able to make payments for Tata flats.

10. 256 flats for the poverty-stricken in west-maafannu ward of capital city Male'.

11. 200 flats for disabled families.

While preparations to hand out forms are underway, many continue to call out on the massive corruption in the current government's Shelter program and many are accusing the state of prioritizing high profile government officials and members of the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) when giving out flats.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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