K. Male'
06 May 2018 | Sun 00:20
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom with wife Nasreena Ibrahim
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom with wife Nasreena Ibrahim
Ahmed Muhsin
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Gayoom's health condition reported serious, family continues to appeal for transfer to house arrest
Gayoom's family continues their appeal on authorities to transfer him to house arrest
Gayoom suffers from Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo due to which someone has to be present with him at all times

RaajjeMV has received information that former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's health condition has become serious and that his family has been informed.

According to credible sources, a doctor had been taken for his check-up upon the worsening of Gayoom's ailment following which a police officer had been put on duty inside Gayoom's cell on Saturday.

Gayoom's family, supporters and legal representatives continue to appealed on the authorities to transfer him to house arrest after the doctors had previously said that Gayoom must never be left alone and someone has to be present with him at all times.

Information has it that Gayoom's wife, Nasreena Ibrahim had on late Saturday evening visited him where he is being incarcerated in Dhoonidhoo Island Prison upon hearing about her husband's health deterioration.

Gayoom, who had been diagnosed with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) which causes brief spells of spinning sensations which may be experienced with intensity at times, or mildly, was treated by an ENT Specialist at state-operated Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in previous December as well.

The documents of his doctor's consultation were handed over to the authorities by his family members.

His doctor said that due to his severe case of vertigo, there is a chance that he may abruptly plummet to the ground and injure himself and that someone must be present with him at all times due to the complications of his condition.

While BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo, it is triggered by particular head positions or sudden movements and may cause the patient to abruptly fall or lose balance. Although it is not life-threatening, there are chances of severe injuries upon an abrupt fall.

RaajjeMV was unable to attain a word from Gayoom's family at the time of publishing, although his daughter Yumna Maumoon had tweeted regarding her father's ailment earlier Saturday evening.

Long-serving statesman and half-brother of incumbent President Yameen Abdul Gayoom was arrested at his residence in the late hours of the 05th of February, mere hours after a state of emergency was declared, along with Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed.

While various charges have been pressed on all three including obstruction of justice, bribery and terrorism, all three are to be kept in remand for the remainder of their trials. Gayoom's son and member of parliament for Dhiggaru constituency, Ahmed Faris Maumoon and son-in-law Mohamed Nadheem are also in confinement.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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