K. Male'
02 May 2018 | Wed 17:05
Civil Court Judge Mohamed Haleem
Civil Court Judge Mohamed Haleem
Leaked Secret Testimonies
Leaked testimonies: Justice Hameed instructed to issue rulings in the interest of Prez. Yameen
Several testimonies given by officials had been leaked online on Tuesday
Among the testimonies include the influence of SC Justices Saeed and Hameed on rulings passed in Civil Court cases

Civil Court Judge Mohamed Haleem has given a statement to the Maldives Police Service, saying that Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed had instructed to pass rulings in the cases that involve state interest in accordance with President Abdulla Yameen's commands.

According to the statement made by Haleem, rulings passed from the civil court had been issued upon the request of both justices, accordingly.

As such, both Justices had called Haleem for a meeting after he had issued a ruling in the case of Haveeru news ownership. They had brought several changes to the ruling and asked Haleem to implement a ruling that complied with state interest instead. In the initial ruling Haleem had not mentioned any of the staff in the news outlet, but after the changes brought by Justice Hameed, the ruling had barred any member of the Haveeru news staff from working in any media outlets.

Similar such matters had risen in the case filed at Civil Court to handover leadership of ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) to former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, After Haleem had passed a ruling in the case, both Justices of the SC, Saeed and Hameed has again contacted him to give him instructions on the final ruling that should be passed in the case. 

Since then Haleem had said that any cases regarding the state's integrity that are filed at his section are followed under Ali Hameed's orders, "The president earnestly requests for rulings in these cases to be issued in accordance with the interest of the party that filed that case".

The various testimonies given by officials regarding the investigation of the detainees arrested following the issuing of the Supreme Court ruling on the 01st of February, started circulating on social media on Tuesday.

The Maldives Police Service had on Wednesday held a press conference to address the issue, saying that action will be taken against those who were actively involved in leaking the testimonies made by said individuals.

Among the testimonies include witness statements by judges who had been influenced by Justices Saeed and Hameed in the implementation of several court cases.

Testimony against ex Police Commissioner Ahmed Areef upon his actions following the issuing of the SC ruling on the 01st of February was also included among the ones leaked on Tuesday.

These testimonies have been publicized while several political figures remain behind bars after the chaos created by the Supreme Court ruling on the 01st of February and the State of Emergency that followed.

While terrorism allegations have been raised against the detainees for conspiring to overthrow the government, their trials are currently ongoing at the Criminal Court.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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