K. Male'
02 May 2018 | Wed 13:29
Ihavandhoo residents welcome councilors who resumed office on Wednesday after three  month suspension
Ihavandhoo residents welcome councilors who resumed office on Wednesday after three month suspension
Mohamed Fazeen
Ihavandhoo Island
Ihavandhoo councilors resume office after three-month suspension
Ihavandhoo council members were suspended after fishermen's day celebrations in December 2017
Residents of Ihavandhoo island had welcomed the councilors who resumed office after the conclusion of their three month suspension graciously

Island councilors of Haa Alif atoll Ihavandhoo council have resumed office after a suspension following soured Fishermen's day protest in the island last year.

Local Government Authority (LGA) had suspended council members of Ihavandhoo council who represent the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) following allegations that they had partaken in the celebrations of local fishermen's day to obstruct the administration.

A special ceremony to commemorate local fishermen's day was held on the 16th of December 2017 in Ihavandhoo island, after which coucil members were suspended on the 01st of February 2018 for a period of three months.

Residents of Ihavandhoo island had welcomed the councilors who resumed office after the conclusion of their three month suspension graciously.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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