K. Male'
30 Apr 2018 | Mon 15:19
Bed bug infestation at IGMH
Bed bug infestation at IGMH
Bed bug infestation reported at IGMH cardiac center
The family of a patient seeking treatment at the center said that most of the chairs are crawling with bed bugs, and that they had filed a complaint with seniors at the facility
Circulating posts on social media show cats and mice clambering inside the hospital gift shop, cafeteria and even in the lobby area previously as well.

A credible source has reported to RaajjeMV that the seats in the Cardiac Center of Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) are infested with bed bugs.

Sharing the news with RaajjeMV, the family of a patient seeking treatment at the center said that most of the chairs are crawling with bed bugs, and that they had filed a complaint with seniors at the facility.

While the picture shared with RaajjeMV verifies the infestation, circulating posts on social media show cats and mice clambering inside the hospital gift shop, cafeteria and even in the lobby area previously as well.

Speaking about the matter, Director of the Media Department at IGMH, Ahmed Mausoom said that if such a matter surfaces, it will be thoroughly investigated and the pest control team will attend to the matter.

IGM Hospital's Cardiac Center is run in partnership with India's Meditrina Hospital.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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