K. Male'
30 Apr 2018 | Mon 10:04
Adhaalath Party
Adhaalath Party
Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
Adhaalath Party
AP composes counsel for opposition's elections discussions
Candidates for the upcoming Presidential Election as well as the Parliament Election slated for 2019, will be chosen jointly by all parties - allied opposition
"Ashaara/Navaara" was composed by the allied opposition to discuss matters of the Election
"Ashaara/Navaara" is led by MP Solih

Adhaalath Party (AP) has composed a committee, as a counsel to its representatives at the Joint Opposition's discussions for the upcoming presidential elections.

The Joint Opposition has said that they will unite behind a single candidate for the elections, as well as 2019's parliamentary elections.

The opposition has formed a committee, named "Ashaara/Navaara", which translates to "Eighteen/Nineteen".

In a tweet posted by Adhaalath Party in Dhivehi, it said that a nine-member committee has been formed as a counsel to its representatives at the 'Ashaara/Navaara' committee- Shidhatha Shareef and Ahmed Shareef. However, it did not reveal the names of the members in the committee.

The "Ashaara/Navaara" committee comprises of eight members. They are; committee leader, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s Parliamentary Group leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih; committee deputy leader, Jumhooree Party (JP)'s Abdulla Riyaz; MDP chairperson Hassan Latheef; JP's deputy leader Hussain Rasheed; president of AP's foreign relations committee Shidhatha; AP's secretary general Ahmed Shareef- along with Yumna Maumoon and Aminath Nadhira from former President's Maumoon's faction of the ruling party.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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