K. Male'
29 Apr 2018 | Sun 08:20
MNDF Coastguard
MNDF Coastguard
MNDF Coast Guard
Sickly 21-yo transferred to Thinadhoo for treatment
He was transferred from a boat named 'Sea King'
The boat was located 48 miles out of Kaadehdhoo island Gaafu Dhaalu atoll
The young man is being treated at Dr. Abdul Samad Memorial Hospital

Officers of the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Southern Area Squadron have helped transfer a sickly 21-year-old to Thinadhoo island of Gaafu Dhaalu atoll, from a boat located 48 miles out of Kaadehdhoo island.

MNDF said that the young man was having breathing problems, as well as vomiting blood, adding that he was transferred to Thinadhoo for further treatment.

The 21-yo was taken to Thinadhoo island at around 7:15pm on Saturday, as is being treated at the Dr. Abdul Samad Memorial Hospital.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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