K. Male'
28 Apr 2018 | Sat 15:32
Maafannu Aage
Maafannu Aage
Maafannu Aage
Plot from Maafannuaage taken by state for road extension
State had taken land of 2,577 square feet from Aaburuzuhingun road's side
Maafannu Aage, one of the capital city's largest plots was a sizeable 22,000 square feet before the state had taken 12,000 square feet of their land which was named Maafannu Dhandahelu

The state has once again taken land from Maafannuaage infront of Supreme Court for road extention purposes.

State had taken land of 2,577 square feet from Aaburuzuhingun road's side.

Maafannuaage, one of the capital city's largest plots was a sizeable 22,000 square feet before the state had taken 12,000 square feet of the land which was named Maafannu Dhandaheluge.

The Civil Court had on the 18th of April ruled to pay the landlord, Fathmath Fareed MVR 1.8 million for the plot of 2,577 square feet taken from the state.

The state had taken some of the royal family's land to construct a royal palace in former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's long-serving rule.

The Civil Court had also ruled to give 537 square feet from Maafannu Dhandahelu to Fathmath Fareed after paying off the money owed to her from the plots taken from Maafannuaage.

According to the court ruling, the plot was taken by the state for road extention purposes.

While Chief Justice at the Civil Court, Abdulla Ali had issued this ruling, a separate registry was made for the plot taken previously.

The state had as well attempted to sell the plot, which has now been developed into a parking zone.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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