K. Male'
26 Apr 2018 | Thu 21:54
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb being taken to the hospital
Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb being taken to the hospital
Adeeb's 'Medical Negligence
Ex-VP Adeeb asks for speedier decision in negligence case, before he 'goes blind'
Attorney General said that allegations from Adeeb cannot be continued
AG added that Adeeb has not fulfilled the necessary requirements to be sent abroad for medicals
Siraj says that the requirements need to be fulfilled by the government

On Thursday, Former Vice President (VP) Ahmed Adeeb appealed the judge to inform relevant institutions to allow him to travel abroad for medicals before he goes completely blind.

Adeeb filed a case against Maldives Correctional Services (MCS), Maldives Police Services (MPS) and Home Ministry for medical negligence. At the preliminary hearing held at Civil Court on Thursday, he made the request from the judge to come to a decision as soon as possible.

In reference to the request Former VP Adeeb made at the court, his lawyer Moosa Siraj said that Adeeb informed the judge about the defects in his retina leading to problems in his eyesight caused due to glaukoma disease. Siraj stated that the delays in treatment is an infringement on Adeeb's civil rights and that he appealed to Civil Court in hopes of receiving the necessary treatment before his eyesight is completely damaged. 

Moosa Siraj said that Adeeb requested the judge to come to a decision before he loses his eyesight, which is not the sort of thing that can be foreseen. 

Ahmed Adeeb's allegations against national institutions was answered by Attorney General's (AG) office at court. AG Office lawyer argued that the case filed by Adeeb cannot be continued in the court given that Adeeb has not fulfilled the necessary requirements to travel abroad for treatment since Maldives Medical Council has not allowed for it yet. 

Adeeb's Defense Lawyer Siraj countered the argument saying that doctors have recommended Adeeb to get treatment from abroad, and that the requirements for the travel have to be arranged by the government. Laws and regulations urge the government to fulfill such needs of people under government's watch, according to Siraj. 

Siraj further explained that MCS is supposed to apply the request to get medical treatment from abroad to medical council and that the government is trying to confuse the situation without following the precedure. 

Judge Ali Abdulla concluded that the court will come to a decision regarding AG's argument to disregard the case in the second hearing of the case scheduled for next week.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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