K. Male'
26 Apr 2018 | Thu 21:30
Press conference held by the allied opposition parties
Press conference held by the allied opposition parties
Joint opposition parties
An acceptable EC must be assembled before upcoming presidential elections: Joint Opposition
Rights must be guaranteed to all who desire to run for upcoming Presidential Elections : Ali Nazeer
Nazeer said that the EC must not interfere with problems faced by political parties, noting that recently, it is noticeable that the EC acts on the movements of political parties.

The parties have said that they will bring together an acceptable Election's Commission before the Presidential Elections slated for September 2018.

In a press conference held by the Joint Opposition at the Jumhooree Party's campaign site Kunooz in Maafannu ward of capital Male' city on Thursday, Adhaalath Party's media committee chair Ali Nazeer said that rights must be guaranteed to all who desire to run for upcoming Presidential Elections.

Ali Nazeer said that this can only be achieved by bringing together an Election Commission than both the government and all political parties can accept.

Nazeer added that he wholeheartedly hopes a commission that follows the legal ambit can be assembled.

Nazeer highlighted that he notices progress in the reform efforts put in by the Joint Opposition.

Nazeer said that the EC must not interfere with problems faced by political parties, noting that recently, it is noticeable that the EC acts on the movements of political parties.

The Joint Opposition also expressed their concern over the delay of beginnings of hearings against political detainees after being summoned, noting that while political detainees such as former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom have had to wait over five hours in court for their hearings to begin, the time allocated to them for prayers and consuming food is not equitable.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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