K. Male'
26 Apr 2018 | Thu 21:04
Former President Gayoom brought to Male\' for his court hearing
Former President Gayoom brought to Male' for his court hearing
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Hearing on ex-president Gayoom's terror trial set for Sunday
Preliminary hearings against Gayoom, Hameed and Saeed have already been held on obstruction charges
The first preliminary hearing in terrorism charges against Gayoom, is scheduled for 03:00 pm Sunday

The first preliminary hearing in the terror charges raised against long serving statesman Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has been scheduled for the 29th of April, Sunday.

Terror charges had been raised against the former president for allegedly bribing some members of parliament and justices of courts, as well as for allegedly planning a coup d'etat against a legally established government.

The hearing has been scheduled for 03:00 pm on Sunday afternoon.

Gayoom is to be kept in remand for the remainder of his trial.

While Gayoom has also been charged with obstruction of justice, preliminary hearing against said charges are almost at an end.

Gayoom was arrested along with Supreme Court's Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed on the 05th of February mere hours after incumbent President and Gayoom's half-brother Yameen Abdul Gayoom had declared a nation-wide state of emergency.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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