K. Male'
22 Apr 2018 | Sun 12:49
Coast guard in search of missing children
Coast guard in search of missing children
Addu live
Missing children
Jersey of one of the two missing minors, has been found
Three children went missing after going for a swim in Addu City's Koattey, and one of them was found in the late hours of Saturday afternoon
The jersey of one of the other two was found after a search conducted using night vision lenses on Saturday night
The search has been going forth without a break with the help of Addu residents and staff of the Fenaka branch in Addu since the report was filed

Deputy Mayor at Addu City Council Mohamed Yasrif has said that the jersey worn by one of the three missing children has been found.

Yasrif enlightening RaajjeMV said that the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) had begun searching for three missing children after receiving a report on Saturday. One of the three children who went missing after going for a swim in Addu City's Koattey, a boy, was found late Saturday afternoon and received treatment at Hithadhoo Regional Hospital.

The jersey of one of the other two was found after a search conducted using night vision lenses on Saturday night.

The two missing children have been identified as Ali Fahmy, 17 and Mayaamin Ali, 14 both native to Hithadhoo, Addu City.

RaajjeMV was unable to attain a comment from the Defence Force at the time of publishing.

Chopper in search of two missing children

Yasrif highlighted the tireless assistance of Addu city residents and staff of the Fenaka Corporation branch in Addu City in searching for the missing children, adding that divers of the coast guard have been active and a chopper has also been dispatched for the search that has been going forth without a break since the report was filed.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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