K. Male'
22 Apr 2018 | Sun 11:22
MNDF officials laying foundation of their Hulhule\' post  at Velana International Airport
MNDF officials laying foundation of their Hulhule' post at Velana International Airport
Maldives National Defence Forc
MNDF lays foundation of Hulhule' post at Velana International Airport
General Shiyam had spoken at the ceremony
Minister of Defence and National Security had joined the special ceremony held on Saturday

Maldives National Defence Fofce (MNDF) has laid the foundation of their Male' area Hulhule' post in their newly procured land at Velana International Airport.

Minister at the Ministry of Defence and National Security Adam Shareef Umar had laid the foundation of their Hulhule' post, jointly with Chief of Defence Force Major General Ahmed Shiyam and general officers of the MNDF in a special ceremony held at Velana International Airport on Saturday.

General Ahmed Shiyam had spoken at the ceremony.

The ceremony was attended by Defence Minister Shareef, General Ahmed Shiyam, Vice Chief of Defence Force Brigadier General Ahmed Shahid, general officers of the Maldives Police Service (MPS), officers of different ranks as well as commanders of their units.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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