K. Male'
19 Apr 2018 | Thu 23:20
LJoint party press conference
LJoint party press conference
Ahmed Muhsin
Joint Opposition
Yameen is not the commander-in-chief of police: allied opposition
The President's talks encourages police to go against the oath they took to join the police force
President Yameen had said in his speech that it is stated in the constitution that he has command over the police force

The allied opposition has responded to incumbent President Yameen Abdul Gayoom's speech at the Maldives Police Service (MPS)'s anniversary ceremony.

The ceremony was held in commemoration of the police force's 85th anniversary, on Wednesday night.

Speaking at a press conference held Thursday evening at Jumhooree Party's national campaign site Kunooz in Maafannu ward of capital city Male', Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s Secretary General Anas Abdul Sattar asserted that the President saying that he is the commander-in-chief of police officers is against the constitution.

"I would like to highlight that the President's talks encourages police to go against the oath they took to join the police force. President Yameen had said in his speech that it is stated in the constitution that he has command over the police force. However, we would like to call his bluff as none of the chapters of the Maldivian constitution mentions that he has command over police officers. Although it is mentioned in the police constitution that the Commissioner of Police has command over officers" said Anas.

Anas also highlighted that the President had spoken in a manner that demeans officers, does not encourage their work and his actions against them are demeaning as well. As such, the officers who are behind bars for calling for the implementation of the supreme court order issued on the 01s of February and investigated under political influence.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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