K. Male'
17 Apr 2018 | Tue 09:42
Senior members of the Maldives Joint Opposition
Senior members of the Maldives Joint Opposition
Joint Opposition
Joint Opposition heading to police seeking to implement top court's controversial order
Maldives Joint Opposition consists of MDP, JP, AP and former President Maumoon's faction of PPM
Opposition officials are to meet with police officials at 11am on Sunday
President Yameen continues to refuse a ruling issued by the Supreme Court's full bench on 1st February

Officials of the Maldives Joint Opposition have decided to go to the Maldives Police Service, requesting to enforce the ruling issued by the Supreme Court on 1st February.

Jumhooree Party’s secretary-general Ahmed Sameer informed RaajjeMV that the officials from the allied coalition of parties are scheduled to meet with police officials at 11 am on Sunday.

He added that senior officials of the opposition, as well parliamentarians, will take part in this meeting.

The Maldives Joint Opposition consists of, Maldivian Democratic Party, Jumhooree Party, Adhaalath Party and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's faction of the Progressive Party of Maldives.

While the Supreme Court had, on 1st February, ruled to release nine high-profile prisoners and reinstate 12 opposition parliamentarians, incumbent President Abdulla Yameen refused to implement the order, and had instead declared a 15-day state of emergency four days later, which was later extended by 30 days.

While the court’s full bench had signed the ruling, President Yameen called it a judicial coup, and arrested two justices at the Supreme Court, including Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed. In addition, he also sacked and arrested any officials that might implement the order, including the police commissioner.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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