K. Male'
15 Apr 2018 | Sun 17:49
Signing ceremony held to initiate MTCC breakwater construction project in collaboration with the Ministry of  Housing and Infrastructure
Signing ceremony held to initiate MTCC breakwater construction project in collaboration with the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure
Fathimath Shana Mohamed
Maldives Transport and Contrac
MTCC signs contract to build 430-meter breakwater on east coast of Male'
A stormwater pump system is to be established as a flooding solution
The 430-meter long breakwater will reduce damage followed by high tidal swells in the area
MTCC will begin the sheet piling work to be carried out under the Male' Link Road construction work in the near future as well

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has been handed over the work to build a 430 meter long breakwater in the east coast of capital city Male'.

The contract was signed by Housing Minister Dr. Mohamed Muizzu and MTCC's Chief Executive Officer Ibrahim Ziyath in a special ceremony held at the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Muizzu said that the breakwater around the east coast of Male' city is to be built following the construction of King Salman Mosque in the area, highlighting that the damage caused by tidal swells that are experienced in Artificial Beach area will be minimal upon the construction of the breakwater.

The minister said that while work to build the breakwater around artificial beach up to the carnival area is underway, a storm water pump system is to be established as a flooding solution.

Muizzu stated that his project will commence under the state budget and is estimated to cost about MVR 46.4 million.

MTCC will begin the sheet piling work to be carried out under the Male' Link Road construction work in the near future as well.

MTCC's CEO Ibrahim Ziyath said that the construction will be successfully concluded within 10 months and work to begin the construction is underway.

"The only challenge we would face in the construction of this breakwater will be the monsoon season. However we give you full assurance that we can finish it before the time period given in the contract" Ziyath said.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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