K. Male'
09 Apr 2018 | Mon 22:00
Dharumavantha Hospital building
Dharumavantha Hospital building
Ahmed Muhsin
Maldives National University
MNU to introduce MBBS syllabus in their July courses
50 seats are available in this educational programme and requirements include atleast 3 passes from GCE A'level examinations and a minimum of 5 passes from GCE O'levels
Application forms will be available in their Student Services Desk and through their website www.mnu.edu.mv and additional information can be attained through their hotline 3345155
This course will be conducted in the new Medical School to be established in newly constructed Dharumavantha Hospital building

Maldives National University (MNU) has for the first time in Maldives, introduced Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery lectures.

The University announced that they have decided to institude studies for MBBS into the set of courses being conducted in MNU this July.

While participation opportunities have been opened, the University will be accepting application forms from the 22nd of April, Sunday till the 14th of June, Thursday.

Application forms will be available in their Student Services Desk and through their website www.mnu.edu.mv and additional information can be attained through their hotline 3345155.

While 50 seats are available in this educational programme, admission requirements include atleast three passes from GCE A'level examinations and a minimum of five passes from GCE O'levels.

Subjects that require a pass include Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics and English.

The course with a duration of five years is full time and has a total of 10 semesters including an internship of one year.

This course will be conducted in the new medical school to be established by the MNU with the financial aid of Pakistani Government.

Education at the medical school will be held in two floors of the newly constructed 25-storey "Dharumavantha Hospital" building.

The administration has decided to build a laboratory in one of the two floors to be occupied by the medical school.

The government of Pakistan alloted USD 5 million (MVR 17.1 million) to the Maldivian government for the establishment of this school.

All of the equipment and machinery for the school construction have been imported to the Maldives as well.

Speaking about this programme, the university said that late applicants who are eligible to take part in the course will be enrolled if there are vacant seats. However, priority will be given to the first 50 eligible applicants.

Until the opening of the medical school in Dharumavantha Hospital, lectures will be carried out in the University itself.

Loan opportunities had previously been opened for 50 medical students and loan applications will be accepted till the 15th of April.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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