K. Male'
06 Apr 2018 | Fri 07:00
First session of the Journalism training programme conducted by RaajjeTV and Cyryx College
First session of the Journalism training programme conducted by RaajjeTV and Cyryx College
RaajjeTV and Cyryx College
RaajjeTV and Cyryx College launch journalism course
The agreement for the programme was signed on the 3rd of april, Tuesday by RaajjeTV's Chief Operating Officer Hussain Fiyaz Moosa and Cyryx College’s Dean of Students Anil Adam.
The course is set for a duration of 10 days and lectures started on Thursday at the Cyryx Campus in Galolhu ward of Capital Male' city
The objective for the programme is for the basic education of young learners interested in the field and to bring experienced and innovative journalists into the field

RaajjeTV and Cyryx College have initiated a journalism course, which starts from 6th April onwards.

The agreement for the programme was signed on the 3rd of april, Tuesday by RaajjeTV's Chief Operating Officer Hussain Fiyaz Moosa and Cyryx College’s Dean of Students Anil Adam.

The course is set for a duration of 10 days and lectures started on Thursday at the Cyryx Campus in Galolhu ward of Capital Male' city.

The first session of the course was tutored by National Archive Director Mohamed Sharith who had worked in media for years.

Speaking about the curriculum COO Fiyaz said that sessions of the 10-day course will be conducted by long serving and experienced journalists and the objective for the programme is for the basic education of young learners interested in the field and to bring around experienced and innovative journalists.

On behalf of the station Fiyaz said that he hopes this educational programme will be expanded in the near furutre.

Cyryx College gives it's assurance of working with the station to make sure the programme is a fruitful one.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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