K. Male'
05 Apr 2018 | Thu 10:10
Chair of opposition MDP\'s policy committee, Hussain Amru was arrested in early February; was released 33 days later
Chair of opposition MDP's policy committee, Hussain Amru was arrested in early February; was released 33 days later
State of Emergency Arrestees
Phones 'guiltier', as police continue to hold devices of SoE arrestees, despite release
Over 300 opposition politicians and activists were arrested during the 45-day state of emergency
Some have since been released, but their phones remain in police custody
MDP's Secretary-General noted that phones cannot be withheld without a court order

Maldives' 45-day state of emergency was marked by mass arrests. While a number of them were apprehended and detained without judicial proceedings, some of them have been released. 

However, their phones remain in custody.

Speaking on the matter, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s Secretary-General Anas Abdul Sattar told RaajjeMV that authorities are yet to release the phones and that the party is looking into the matter.

Anas noted any trials based on phone evidence of those arrested under the state of emergency, without a court order, will not be valid.

While a number of those arrestees during the state of emergency have since been released unconditionally, police continue to hold onto their mobile phones; some are being kept under a 30-day court order.

While over 300 opposition members were arrested during the state of emergency, Criminal Court has ordered to keep 11 senior officials in remand- including former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom- for the remainder of their investigations and trials.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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