K. Male'
04 Apr 2018 | Wed 11:26
Reports of all the fishes in Rasrani Bageecha dying suddenly surfaced on Monday
Reports of all the fishes in Rasrani Bageecha dying suddenly surfaced on Monday
Rasrani Bageecha
Housing ministry seeks interested parties to maintain fountain, ponds in Rasrani Bageecha
Reports of all the fishes in Rasrani Bageecha dying "suddenly and mysteriously" surfaced on Monday
Rasrani Bageecha, the former Sultan Park, was reopened in August 2017
Foreigners are required to pay a fee to enter park, which is to be used for the park's maintenance

The housing ministry has opened up the opportunity for interested parties to maintain the water fountain and ponds in the recently reopened park ‘Rasrani Bageecha’ in the capital.

According to the ministry’s announcement, the most eligible company will be selected amongst the applicants, to rehabilitate, manage and maintain the properties for a period of one year.

The announcement comes less than two todays after reports surfaced that all the fishes in the ponds had died mysteriously. While the reason for their sudden death remains unclear, the housing ministry is yet to comment on the matter.

Malé City’s historic ‘Sultan Park’ was rebranded and reopened as ‘Rasrani Bageecha’ in August 2017. While it is freely accessible to locals, foreigners are required to pay a fee to enter the park- it was previously said that the fee will go to the park’s maintenance.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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