K. Male'
03 Apr 2018 | Tue 22:02
Rohingya fund raising
Rohingya fund raising
Rohingya Telethon
Over MVR 300k missing from Rohingya fund
Work to transfer the MVR 18.1 million collected from fund-raising telethon began six months after it concluded, and over MVR 300k were reportedly missing from the final transfer
Maldives Embassy in Bangladesh yesterday tweeted that the receipt for USD 1.15 million was handed over to Ambassador Shaan
An official at the Islamic Ministry said that they had made the transfer in two rounds and that the remaining amount will be transferred within this month

It has been revealed that more than MVR 300,000 out of the 18.1 million collected from a government charity as aid for Rohingya muslims, was missing from the final transfer made to Bangladesh Red Crescent's bank account.

In the government-run telethon conducted by the Islamic Ministry six months back, they had collected over MVR 18.1 million.

Islamic Minister Dr. Ahmed Ziyad Bagir had revealed to media on the 21st of March that they had successfully transferred the whole amount collected in the fund-raising to the bank account of Bangladesh Red Crescent.

However, the Maldives Embassy in Bangladesh had yesterday tweeted that the receipt for USD 1.15 million was handed over to Maldives Ambassador Aishath Shaan Shakir. 

Maldvies Embassy in Bangladesh had said that USD 1.15 million is MVR 17.7 million with a missing amount of MVR 367,000.

When questioned about the matter, an official at the Islamic Ministry said that the USD 1.15 million stated in the tweet by the Embassy was half of the total amount to be transferred.

The first round, USD 200,000 were transferred and the second transfer was USD 950,000.

According to the official, they had made the transfer in that manner because they were unsure whether a transfer fee would be charged or not. 

The official said that the remaining money from the fund will be transferred within this month and that they are now conducting technical errands that come under banking process, after the transfer.

After having concluded the telethon conducted to raise money for Rohingya muslims, Minister Bagir had then said that the whole amount will be transferred to them within a month.

However, work to transfer the money had begun five months after it had concluded and the transfer had gone through incomplete, with more than MVR 300,000 misplaced.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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