K. Male'
31 Mar 2018 | Sat 17:45
Former VP\'s family visits him in Maafushi Prison
Former VP's family visits him in Maafushi Prison
Social Media
Former VP Ahmed Adeeb
Former VP Adeeb granted family visit after 2 month hiatus
Adeeb's wife Mariyam Nashwa said that they have been granted a one-hour family visit of on Saturday
Along with wife Nashwa, Adeeb's parents and two siblings came to visit him in Maafushi Prison
Lack of medical attention still their main concern

Detained former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb has been granted a family visit after a two-month hiatus.

Adeeb's wife Mariyam Nashwa said that they have been granted a one-hour family visit of on Saturday.

Along with wife Nashwa, Adeeb's parents and two siblings came to visit him in Maafushi Prison.

They had been granted the visit after continued appeal for a family visit for several days.

While the family continues to highlight their main concern as lack of medical attention, the family has revealed that they appealed the authorities to send Adeeb for examination abroad, but that the Medical Board had denied their request, stating that he cannot be sent abroad without consulting and seeking advice from another doctor.

When the MCS had paid no heed to getting Adeeb a doctor's appointment, the family had appealed to handover his medical care to them.

The former vice president is facing several medical complications since his incarceration in 2015 including glaucoma, kidney stones, and internal cysts, and has been advised to undergo cancer screening to which his family had appealed the government for permission to travel abroad to seek treatment. Adeeb's medical condition is seen to be growing worse each passing day behind bars.

The government keeps denying him medical leave despite his growing ailments stating that he will only be granted medical leave after returning the alleged millions he had embezzled from state funds according to President Abdulla Yameen.

Adeeb was transferred to Maafushi Prison earlier in February, after the Supreme Court ordered the release of prominent political prisoners and reinstatement of opposition MPs. He had later been transferred back to Dhoonidhoo island prison, and was transferred back to Maafushi Prison on February 20th.

Adeeb was jailed under several allegations including having exerted political influence during his term as vice president and is currently serving 33 years in prison.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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