K. Male'
29 Mar 2018 | Thu 18:09
Aerial shot of Dh. Kudahuvadhoo
Aerial shot of Dh. Kudahuvadhoo
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Drowning Accident
Autistic minor drowns in Dh Kudahuvadhoo
The 17 y-o autistic boy's lifeless body was found adrfit in the southern reef of the island
Afraah was reported missing at 11:30 this am, islanders had found him at 01:45 in the afternoon
Police are yet to reveal further details regarding the matter

RaajjeMV has received information that an autistic minor has drowned in Dhaal atoll Kudahuvadhoo island.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Island Council Chief Ahmed Shah revealed that Ahmed Afraah, 17, was found dead at around 01:45pm Thursday afternoon.

The autistic minor was reported missing at 11:30 this morning to the Island Council and islanders had immediately begun to search for him. The search concluded when they found his lifeless body adrift in the southern reef of the island.

Afraah had evidently wandered off alone.

Police are yet to reveal further details regarding the matter. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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