K. Male'
13 Mar 2018 | Tue 17:45
Kendhoo MP Ali Hussain
Kendhoo MP Ali Hussain
MP Ali Hussain
MP suspended for criticizing Supreme Court
DJA had revoked Ali Hussain's attorney license for his actions that question the authenticity of Supreme Court rulings
The MP’s attorney license to practice law was first revoked in October 2016, which had since been re-issued on February 6, this year
Hussain was summoned to the Supreme Court on March 4 to give a statement along with former Deputy PG Shameem who was also suspended.

The Department of Judicial Administration (DJA) has revoked Kendhoo MP Ali Hussain of his attorney license on the indictment of carrying out acts that question the authenticity of Supreme Court rulings.

The MP’s attorney license to practice law was first revoked in October 2016 which had since been re-issued on February 6, this year. His second suspension comes precisely a month after the annulment of the first one.

In a statement released by the DJA, the reason for the suspension of Hussain’s attorney rights is stated as allegedly carrying out acts that tarnish the integrity of Supreme Court rulings and criticizing rulings in such a way that questions their validity, noting that these acts are against court guidelines on safeguarding the integrity of the court.

The statement further reads that the MP is to be kept under suspension until a decision is reached on the matter.

Hussain was summoned to SC to give a statement regarding the matter on March 4 along with prominent lawyer and former Deputy Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem who has also been suspended from practicing law in the Maldives.

Shameem who is part of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s legal team, was suspended for a second time on February 22 after his first suspension in 2015 was revoked in January. Allegations against him are similar to that of Hussain’s.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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