K. Male'
08 Mar 2018 | Thu 18:09
Rehendhi award ceremony
Rehendhi award ceremony
Rehendhi Award
This year's Rehendhi Award conferred to three women
The awards were presented to the women by Vice President Abdulla Jihad
These awards are being presented to bold, progressive women of the nation since it's initiation by the Gender Ministry since 2014.
Women who received the awards are, Aminath Waheeda, Fathmath Nashwa and Zoona Naseem

This year's rehendhi award has been bestowed upon three women in celebration of International Women's Day on the 8th of March, Thursday.

Vice President Abdulla Jihad presented the 'Rehendhi Award' on Wednesday night. to three women, Aminath Waheedha who is the Blood Services Direcotor at Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), Fathmath Nashwa who was Police Inspector at the Maldives Police Service and Zoona Naseem who served in the diving industry for 23 years and continues to serve in the field.

The Gender Ministry initiated the awarding ceremony in 2014 to celebrate women who contribute their progressive work to the betterment of the nation, the ones who empower the youth to push themselves to reach their full potential, the large accomplishments of the ones who strive to succeed and to increase the count of female employees in significant fields, including ones to which women are yet to be introduced.

While the Gender Ministry initiated the 'Rehendhi Award' in 2014, bold and progressive women of the country have been claiming the good name since.




Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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