K. Male'
07 Mar 2018 | Wed 20:17
Press to address women\'s day walk
Press to address women's day walk
Joint opposition parties
Women of joint opposition to host walk for Women's Day
Women of the Joint Opposition Parties are to host a walk in celebration of women
Purpose is to "empower women in their progressive work and to encourage women of all ages to better themselves"
Both genders can partake in the walk and all who can are appealed to partake in celebrating women

Leading women from the Joint Opposition Parties are to host a walk in celebration of women's day Thursday morning.

Speaking at a press briefing held on Wednesday evening, Male' City Mayor Shifa Mohamed revealed the reason behind their initiation as to empower women in their progressive work and to encourage women of all ages to better themselves.

The walk is scheduled to begin near Jumhooree Party (JP)'s national campaign site in Maafannu ward of capital city Male', Kunooz.

Speaking at the press, Adhaalath Party (AP)'s Foreign Relations Committee Leader Shidhaatha Shareef said that although one might think this is a political activity since it is to be hosted by the Joint Opposition Parties, they are initiating this activity to celebrate women's day. In Shidhaatha's words, they empower women not only politically, but in every other aspect as well. 

While a sound system will not be used in the walk, the women said that they will be using banners and posters.

Deputy leader of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's faction of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Aminath Nadhira said a special breakfast will be held following the walk, adding that meeting bold women of all ages and learning about their work would be a pleasure.

Speaking at the press, foreign Relations Cordinator at the President's office Nishana Hassan calls on the youth to celebrate the event with them and preisdent of the women's league of the Jumhooree Party (JP) Waleeda Waleed further enlightened that both genders can partake in the walk and appeals on all to participate in celebrating women.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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